Rural Integrated Center for Community Empowerment (RICCE)

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Rural Integrated Center for Community Empowerment (RICCE)

Event: Land Conference

Campaign to fight illegal land grabbing
About Us

RICCE works to empower rural communities to take charge of their destinies.

Our work in rural communities covers a range of programs including; Food Security, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment, Environmental Safety  and  Biodiversity Conservation,  Income Generation Activities, Peace Building and Reconciliation, etc.

We have worked across the 15 counties of Liberia with our work effecting hundreds of rural people’s lives and influencing many policy recommendations. 

Our Core Programmes

Across Liberia, thousands of people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. A major challenge for farmers is the lack of access to finance, tools, and seeds which impedes their productivity. To feed the growing population which continuously increasing -Liberia needs to boost agricultural production.

Our Food Security and Livelihood Development programme is designed to strengthen food security and livelihood opportunities in underserved rural communities. READ MORE

The environmental safety, sustainable natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in Liberia is an important area of concern for the country. 

This programme works towards strengthening national and local stakeholders’ capacities to meet their developmental goals without compromising its environment, ensures natural resources are used in a way that does not diminish their availability or productivity over time, advocates for the protection of species that are facing threats of extinction. READ MORE

The Liberian civil war ended in 2003, but the scars of that conflict still endure. Despite global efforts to help Liberia peacefully rebuild post-war, there are still some ethnic and political tensions in parts of Liberia. These tensions often flare up and result in violence against marginalized groups and the destruction of property.

This programme is aimed at preventing and managing conflicts at the national and community levels. READ MORE

Gender equality and women empowerment is a topic that has been discussed for decades. Liberian women have been fighting to be treated as equals to men. They have been fighting for their rights, their opportunities, and their voice.

Our gender equality and women empowerment programme is dedicated to promoting women’s rights and access to empowerment opportunities. READ MORE

Rural income generation is a major issue in Liberia. The country has a high rate of unemployment and the majority of its population lives below the poverty line.

The rural population in Liberia is the most marginalized group in the country. They are often unemployed, illiterate, and live below the poverty line.

This programme aims to empower rural communities with environmentally friendly income generation opportunities. READ MORE

There is a huge need for facilitation and capacity building in Liberia. It is an important part of the socio-economic development processes of Liberia. It is helping vulnerable and marginalized groups build their skills, become more employable, and create sustainable organizations or businesses.

This programme is designed to provide facilitation and capacity-building supports to organizations and individuals that support issues we work on. READ MORE

Featured Projects

SGBV, Justice, & Participation

sgbv campaign

Project Objective: To mobilize and empower CSOs and strengthen women movement to advocate and lobby for change in laws and policies at the same time create awareness on SGBV prevention to eliminate violence against women and girls in Nimba County.

Strengthening Access to Justice for Vulnerable Population

Project Objective: To contribute to strengthening the rule of law to meet the urgent needs of women and children facing sexual violence (rape), most especially disadvantaged groups to seek legal redress.

Ricce project libria

Project Objective: To incorporate indigenous knowledge and gender responsiveness in biodiversity conservation and the restoration of indigenous skills for livelihood enhancement.

RICCE Quick Stats

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Years of experience

We have over 16 years of experience in the nonprofit sector  

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projects implemented

We have successfully managed over 20 projects across Liberia

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International Donors

We have been trusted by global and local donors partners

Our Approach

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Research & Development

We work with communities and other stakeholders to identify needs and develop projects for interventions.

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Network & Collaboration

We establish partnership and network with stakeholders to address communities' needs.

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Implementation & Monitoring

We foster durable solutions, monitor projects activities, and evaluate our interventions outcome and impacts.

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Engagement & Sustainability

We remain engaged with project communities to ensure lasting impact and environmental protection.

Recent Projects


Our Five Years Strategic Plan

February 2023 - February 2027

GLA-2 Project report cover page

RICCE - GLA Report (2022)

GLA-2 Narrative Report

Cover page of RICCE AJWS project report

RICCE - AJWS Technical Report 2023

Cover of policy brief paper on the impact of mining on local communities

Policy Brief (Jan. 2023)

Impacts of Mining Concession On Local Communities