Rural Integrated Center for Community Empowerment (RICCE)

About us

Our Story

On August 5, 2005, the organization RICCE was founded by development specialists, Engineers, health professionals, grassroots activists, and some professors at the University of Liberia who were alarmed by the exclusion of rural people especially women participation in decision making about national issues which have impacts on their lives. 

RICCE was established as a non-governmental, non-profit, and non-political organization. We are duly registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and accredited by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. RICCE is managed by a five-member board of Directors headed by an Executive, Salome Gofan as the Secretary of the Board.


We consider cooperation as a necessary tool for development processes. Therefore, we maintain partnerships with different stakeholders, being aware of the importance of every single pillar: local communities, authorities, other organizations, and individuals at the national and international level

Over the years RICCE has established partnerships with both national and international organizations in ensuring that our objectives are achieved. RICCE has established collaboration with many networks organizations given that our advocacy and the implementation of projects.


We envision a community of hope and social justice where all people live in harmony with nature


RICCE is a Right–Base and development organization established to contribute to the empowerment of rural communities particularly women and girls through integrated programs.

Our Values

Gender Responsiveness

Self Help


Teamwork and Teambuilding

Transparency and Accountability


Our Approach

Research & Documentation

We work with communities and other stakeholders to identify and document needs and gaps within the communities.

Network & Collaboration

We develop partnership with key stakeholders in developing a proposed solutions to the needs identified in communities.

ricce approach2

Implementation & Monitoring

We implement the proposed solutions while monitoring key activities and evaluate their outcome and impacts on communities' livelihood..

Engagement & Sustainability

We continue to stay engage with project communities and ensure long term sustainability of project impact after the project life circle.

to Support the work we do with rural communities