Rural Integrated Center for Community Empowerment (RICCE)


Building Women Solidarity to End Sexual Gender Based Violence and Harmful Traditional Practice

Project Objective: To mobilize and empower CSOs and strengthen women movement to advocate and lobby for change in laws and policies at the same time create awareness on SGBV prevention to eliminate violence against women and girls in Nimba County

Location: Six administrative districts of Nimba County

Duration: January 2021 to June 30, 2021


Strengthening Access to Justice for Vulnerable Population

Project Objective: To contribute to strengthening the rule of law to meet the urgent needs of women and children facing sexual violence (rape), most especially disadvantaged groups to seek legal redress.

Location: Zoegeh and Gbehlay-geh districts, Nimba County

Duration: September 1, 2020- January 31 2021

Donor: UNDP

Strengthening and expanding Household food security and Income Generation through sustainable agriculture Intensification phase - 5

Project Objective: To contribute to communities’ livelihood through the introduction of sustainable and climate-smart agriculture that supports improved food and nutrition security while maintaining ecosystem integrity

Location: Seven communities (Geipa, Yolowee, Zualay, Suakazue, Dulay, and Sehtontuo) around the ENNR located in Gbehlay-Geh District, Nimba County, Liberia

Duration: May1, 2021 –April 1, 2021

Donor: AccelorMittal Liberia

Increasing Women Participation in Natural Resource Management to Restore Traditional Knowledge

Project Objective: To incorporate indigenous knowledge and gender responsiveness in biodiversity conservation and the restoration of indigenous skills for livelihood enhancement.

Location: Kpolay and Geipa communities located in Gbehlay-Geh District, Nimba County, Liberia

Duration: March 1,2020  -February 28, 2021

Donor: American Jewish Organization World Services (AJWS)

Conservation Agreement

Project Objective: To facilitate the delivery of benefit packages of Conservation Agreement within six communities around the ENNR

Location: Gbelay-geh district Nimba County

Duration: Nov. 27, 2017 – Nov. 2018

Donor: Conservation International – CI

Increasing Women Participation in Natural Resource Management to Restore Traditional Knowledge

Project Objective: To incorporate indigenous knowledge and gender responsiveness in biodiversity conservation and the restoration of indigenous skills for livelihood enhancement.

Location: Zualay, Geipa and Kpolay communities in Gbehlay-geh district Nimba County

Duration: May 1, 2019 – February 25, 2020

Donor: American Jewish Organization World Services (AJWS)

Consolidating and expanding Household food security and Income Generation through sustainable agriculture Intensification

Project Objective: The project goal is to contribute to the reduction of deforestation through sustainable agriculture in low lands to enhance household food security, nutrition, and income generation among populations in northern Nimba County.

Location: Gbelay-geh district Nimba County

Duration: Dec. 2017 – Dec. 2019

Donor: AccelorMittal Liberia

Conservation Agreement

Project Objective: To promote Community participation in the Management of the East Nimba Nature Reserve

Location: East Nimba

Duration: 2015 – 2016

Donor: Conservation International – CI

Household Food Security and Income generation through Conservation Agriculture

Project Objective: Reduce Deforestation and  Mitigate Climate Change Impact

Location: Nimba County

Duration: 2015 – 2016

Donor: AccelorMittal Liberia

To enhance coping mechanisms amongst 50 Women Ebola survivors by facilitating the formation of community based care support groups in VOA Community, Browerville

Project Objective: To promote women participation in the fight against Ebola

Location: Montserrado (VOA) Sierra Leone Refugee

Duration: 2015  July to  December 2015

Donor: African Women Development Fund (AWDF)

Piloting Conservation Agriculture in East Nimba Nature Reserve

Project Objective: To pilot conservation agriculture in Zortapa as means to enhance community livelihood and contribute to the management of the ENNR.

Location: Zortapa, Yolowee, Geipa, Dulay, and Sehtontuo communities

Duration: Oct. 2013 – April 2014

Donor: AccelorMittal Liberia

Piloting Conservation Agriculture in East Nimba Nature Reserve

Project Objective: To pilot conservation agriculture in Zortapa as means to enhance community livelihood and contribute to the management of the ENNR.

Location: Zortapa Community

Duration: Jan. – June 2013

Donor: AccelorMittal Liberia

Assist CFDCs to fulfill their primary responsibility of protecting the rights and interests affected communities in the forest sector

Project Objective: Establishing catalogue of all the CFDCs in the target regions, gather copies of all Timber Sale Contracts and forest management contracts, assess the performance of CFDCs in the target regions, facilitate transparent and participatory community assessment of the performance of logging companies and assess the activities of the logging companies on the ground.

Location: Region 2 (Nimba, Grand Gedeh, Sinoe, River Gee, Maryland, and Grand Kru)

Duration: Aug. 2011 – Jan. 2012

Donor: Sustainable Development Initiative (SDI)

Promoting Chain sawing in alignment with sustainability and legality principles through a consolidated developed regulatory framework to support the GFP initiative.

Project Objective: Facilitate a multi-stakeholder consultation to incorporate the views of key stakes in the drafting of regulation to align pit sawing with existing forest policies.

Location: 15 counties of Liberia

Duration: June – Dec. 2010

Donor: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Strengthening community Peace to enhance development

Project Objective: Strengthening community Peace to enhance development. The project located in Nimba County facilitates assist two disputing towns to find a common ground in settling a land dispute that has lasted over thirty years.

Location: Dounpay and Zuaplay, Nimba County

Duration: May – Nov. 2010


Promoting awareness on policies and Laws governing forest resources in Liberia

Project Objective: Promoting awareness of policies and Laws governing forest resources in Liberia. The project provided information to affected communities in the concession areas- FMC- K in Nimba County to understand their rights and get acquitted with policies governing the forest sector and the social agreement with regards to benefit-sharing- Making the forest sector transparent.

Location: Nimba County- FMC Area K

Duration: Jan. 2010

Donor: Sustainable Development Initiative (SDI)

Localizing the MDGs through StandUp Take Action Campaign in Liberia

Project Objective: Mobilize citizens to participate in an activity that is gear towards achieving the MDGs targets. Stand Up Take Action to demand their gov’t to meet the MDGs deliverables.

Location: Ganta City Nimba  and Kakata City, Margibi Counties

Duration: 2009 – 2010

Donor: United Nation Millennium Campaign Office,  Nairobi Kenya

Community Facilitator (Margibi County)

Project Objective: Facilitate, supervise and manage all projects of (LACE) and submit a comprehensive report.

Location: Margibi County 

Duration: 2008 to Present

Donor: Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment

Promote access to justice for women and children facing Rape and Gender Base Violence

Project Objective: The project was funded by UNHCR and implemented by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Nimba County. RICCE worked as a local partner to the IRC protection program – raised awareness on human rights and child protection, trained local leaders and communities, and followed up cases of rape with Police and the courts- For the first time in Nimba 7 cases of rape were adjudicated and four persons sentenced (2007).

Location: Nimba County

Duration: 2009 – 2007

Donor: UNHCR – Saclepea Office

Building women capacity to facilitate tribal harmony andpeaceful co-existance between the Gio and Krahn tribes in Nimba County

Project Objective: The project provided peace-building skills to 40 rural women, facilitated peace dialogue between the two opposing tribes in Kparblee District, Nimba County.

Location: Nimba County 

Duration: 2008 

Donor: Women Campaign International

to Support the work we do with rural communities